How is your work going reply?

How is your work going reply?

How is your work going? Answering, “It’s been pretty good,” is a bit stilted. What would be more natural would be, “Okay,” or “Not too bad,” or “Just fine.” All of these can be followed by “You? You too?” or “And with you?” I guess something like...
What is 2k in money?

What is 2k in money?

Originally Answered: What does “price money worth 2k” mean, and what is the value of k? K stands for thousand. In this case, 2000 is worth 2k. What does 1k mean on Instagram? 1000 What is 3k in money? K stands for kilo, a prefix meaning thousand. Thus, 3k...
What animal is Uniqua from the Backyardigans?

What animal is Uniqua from the Backyardigans?

What animal is uniqua from the backyardigans? Uniqua is a one-of-a-kind character with an adventurous nature who belongs with the Backyardigans’ gang, including Pablo, an energetic, enthusiastic, and excitable penguin, Tyrone, an easy-going and confident young...
Best Movie Downloaded App

Best Movie Downloaded App

The majority of people today watch movies and TV shows on streaming services like Netflix and Hulu. If you don’t need to go offline and have a subscription, then Best Movie Downloaded App is an excellent choice. You might want to switch from a streaming service...