What does other snapchatters mean? There is no name display for people listed under ‘Other Snapchatters’. However, those listed under ‘+ more’ do have names displayed. While you can identify Other Snapchatters, you cannot identify the + more.

Why can’t I see other Snapchatters who viewed my story?

You might have been blocked on Snapchat if it says “Other Snapchatters” but you are still friends. The reason for this is that if someone blocks you on Snapchat, your profile will be hidden from them. Consequently, they will no longer have access to your stories.

Does Snapchat show you who viewed your story in order?

In contrast to the update, where stories are no longer posted in chronological order, the order in which people view your story is still based on when they view it. You will see the list of names and usernames of those who viewed your story when you check who viewed it and the drop down menu appears. They appear in chronological order.

Does Snapchat tell you if someone viewed your story twice?

You can even see who viewed your Snap Story individually through the app. Scroll through the list of names by tapping on the image. You won’t find out this: Like regular Snapchats, Snap Stories can be watched multiple times. You won’t be able to see how many times your story has been viewed in the app.

Are Snapchat views in order 2020?

Check out this article: What Does It Mean If A Snapchat Story Shows Up In The Order It Was Viewed? If you watch your story first, the order will always be ascending… Order should remain the same as people drop off, but it looks like it’s been jumbled.

How can you tell if someone is on private stories?

Unless you see a purple lock icon next to the story, you cannot know if you are someone’s private story list. You may view the story if it has a purple lock, which indicates that the story is private. A story that does not have a Private tag will be hidden from users who are not on it.

Why does he look at my Snapchat stories but not text?

There isn’t enough interest in you for him to engage in conversation. Because he doesn’t need to do anything to view your story, he isn’t involved in it. Guys do this by orbiting. It’s just that he doesn’t seem interested in engaging in a conversation with you.

Do guys talk to their friends about who they like?

Whether they like someone a little bit or a lot, people love talking about them. Even though most guys do talk to their friends about girls they like, it’s somewhat different. A guy may not approach his friends right away when he meets a girl that he thinks might be more than just a friend.

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