If you fish, then you know how important a fish finder can be. This handy device combines GPS, sonar technology, and other sensors to display images of the underwater landscape. But with so many options out there, how do you know which one is right for you? In this article, we’ll tell you what features to look for when deciding on a GPS-enabled fish finder so that next time someone asks “what type of fish finder do I need?” you’ll be able to answer them confidently.
Display Size
In addition to the hardware and software, size matters. The screen size of the fish finder is an important factor to consider because it determines how much detail you can see on the water. For example, a larger screen like Lowrance HDS 12 will allow you to spot objects at greater distances and also show more detail when they are closer (as long as it doesn’t get too small).
Of course, bigger isn’t always better, you’ll have trouble finding a portable fish finder with a massive display that’s going to work well on your boat or kayak. You need to find the right balance between screen size and portability so that you don’t end up having problems getting it into your boat or onto your kayak.
A transducer is the part of the fish finder that sends out sonar signals. Sonar stands for sound navigation and ranging and can be used to detect fish or other objects in the water. These sound waves can bounce off objects, giving you an indication of where they are located. Most fish finders have two transducers: one that sends out a signal straight down towards the bottom of the water and another angled towards your boat so you can see what’s within range of your boat.
Power Output
The power output of the fish finder is important because it determines the depth of water that you can see. The higher the watts, the better your depth range. How much power do you need?
The answer to this question depends on what kind of boat you have, how far out onto deep waters you usually go and how much money you want to spend on a quality product. All three factors will play an important role in deciding which fish finder is right for your needs.
Depth Range
The depth range is the difference between the shallowest and deepest depths that the fish finder can detect. The deeper you want to go, the more expensive your unit will be; however, if you’re only fishing with a kayak or small boat, getting a unit with a wide depth range may not be necessary. A good general rule of thumb is to look for units that have a maximum depth of at least 300 feet (100 meters).
Screen Resolution
One of the most important considerations when choosing a fish finder is screen resolution. Screen resolution refers to the number of pixels in the display, which affects how clear and detailed images are. The higher the resolution, the better; some fish finders on the market have a resolution of at least 480 x 800 pixels (the best) while others have a lower resolution of only 800 x 480 or even less than that.
A high-resolution display will show you much more information about what’s below your boat without having to zoom in too much. If you want to see what kind of details are present in an area before deciding whether or not it makes sense for you to drop anchor there, then having a high-resolution screen will make your viewing experience much better than having one with less accuracy and detail would give it.
Take the time to find the right fish finder for you
Before deciding on which fish finder to buy, it’s important to consider your needs and your budget. Are you looking for something that will get the job done or are you willing to pay more for the best experience? There is no right answer; each person has different priorities when they shop.
You should also consider how often you plan on using the device and where you’ll use it most often. If you plan on going out on boat trips every weekend during summertime, then an expensive model with all of the bells and whistles might not be necessary because it will rarely be used at all. However, if fishing is what brings out your competitive side and allows your competitive nature room to breathe, then investing in high-end features could mean winning over friends who have less advanced models (and bragging rights).
Some fish finders come with built-in sonar capabilities while others do not; this can make installation much easier depending on what kind of product works best for your needs. For example: if sonar isn’t necessary but comes with other features like GPS or screen resolution then having one already built into another piece of equipment may save money overall since there won’t need any additional parts added onto existing systems which would increase installation costs unnecessarily.”
We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of what to look for in a fish finder. The best thing you can do for yourself is to use our tips as guidelines and then research the models we’ve covered here on your own time. There are tons of options out there, so keep searching until you find one that works well for your needs!